Keep Your Local Hummingbirds Happy

Keep Your Local Hummingbirds Happy

If you have hummingbird feeders at your house, you’ve probably noticed tons of them around during this cold snap. Here is an article to help you keep the hummers happy during the “Snopocolipse”.
“…Generally, our winters are mild and the cold snaps are usually not that long. Hummingbirds are capable of reducing their body temperature at night and conserving their energy. They roost in trees and shrubs and do not use nest boxes or bird houses. They need a lot of sucrose (nectar) during the day to keep them going especially in the cold. In addition to nectar for fuel, hummingbirds will consume any insects they encounter which help them meet their protein, vitamin and mineral requirements. Insects can be found under bark and plants even during winter cold periods. Extended periods of cold such as the one we are experiencing right now, is especially hard on these small birds designed to spend winters in warmer climates. Some birds will not make it, however the strong ones will find a way to survive. Continuing to offer nectar is a way in which we can assist them…”
Read the whole article here:
photo credit: Michelle Gehlman-Teeter